very fucking good.
so far, score wise, i think it might be a little underrated. but, maybe not. hard to tell. well, good things:
-Looked fucking B-E-A-UIFUL. I loved the interface. The colours, the setup, everything about it. Transitions were good, colours were easy on the eyes, everything very well done.
-Covered a good amount of subjects.
-Music was well chosen
-It seemed as if the art or animation part of flash was more neglected then the actionscript portion of it all. i think this was done because AS tutorials are just plain easier to make then animation tutorials. You dont need screenshots, you dont need to take the time to make good examples, and there is only ever 1 way to do something. unlike animation where there is large variety of techniques to get the same effect, and pretty much an unlimited amount of animation subjects.
-ok, i rarely ever look at flash tutorials anymore. Im passed that point. What i do look at is photoshop and, and if its there, a swift3D tutorial. Like the Ultimate Tutorial, your sections on these programs were sadly done. Well, not badly done so much lacking in content. I really see no point in having a swift tutorial section like you had, might as well have left it out. As well, there was hardly any photoshop. i would have loved to have alot more on PS, i love reading PS tuts. Im very much still in a learning stage of the program. If you had a larger section for that, then i would have easily gave this a 10 instead of 9.
-Fonts. they were small and hard to read. colours were good, and the filters over the letters did seem to help, but that fact that they were so small in parts made it unbearable to read. More pages, larger fonts next time.
So overall very well done. These tutorials are never big enough it seems, but covered enough to help a few people out im sure. Well done, congrats to all.hope this review helped a little anyway.