Nice style
Good and effective, for the most part. The art style fit well. Having each character coloured differently gave it a sense of individualism for each character, and properly seperated them throughout the story. What i didn't like is how you chose to draw most of it with a brush tool, but chose certain elements like the car and coffin to be drawn wit the pencil tool. Simply didn't do it for me.
But, if your going to make a flash that is basicly a slide show, it would have been nice to have some added detail. Character models were well done, but more thought put into the backgrounds and maybe seperate fills for all the elements would have done nicely.
The story was an interesting one. Not so much the story itself, but the basic concept you were trying to achieve. I do beleive alot more could have been done with it though. Something a little more thought provoking, ironic, or simply sad. I would have liked this guys life to have been a little more interesting, to say the least. But the whole idea of it was an interesting one at least.
So, story needed some more strength behind it, music worked well, style worked well, and was overall and effective effort. Good job. Hope to see some more from ya.